Leopold Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS7 4AW

0113 8246300

Holy Rosary And St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Excellence & Enjoyment Together in God's Love

Ofsted Report


The school was inspected October 2023 and was rated GOOD overall. Please see the link below to read the report.

We are delighted and very proud of the outcomes of the inspection and would like to say a special thanks to our children and parents who spoke so highly of the school. “They proudly celebrate the rich mix of cultures that make Holy Rosary and St Anne’s unique and special.” “Appreciation of the beauty of diversity, including of race, culture, religion and types of family, is evident in all aspects of the school.”

The inspector recognised the personal development of the children as a strength of the school. “The school’s provision for pupils’ wider personal development is broad and rich. Its ‘virtues to live by’, including ‘courtesy’, ‘respect’ and ‘kindness’, are evident in the everyday interactions between pupils and between pupils and adults. If pupils are on the point of giving up, staff remind them of the benefits of ‘resilience’ and ‘perseverance’.”

A huge thanks to our dedicated staff team, without whom, we could not achieve the superb outcomes for our children that we do.

We would like to say a special thank you to our Governors who willing give up so much of their time to provide strong strategic direction and commitment to the school. And to the Trust Board of Directors and central team, for their ongoing support of our high expectations and achievements and their expertise and guidance.

We hope you enjoy reading the report as much as we do.

The complete report can be viewed by clicking here

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