Leopold Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS7 4AW

0113 8246300


Holy Rosary And St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Excellence & Enjoyment Together in God's Love

Parent/Carer Support

Here are useful support links available across Leeds.  Please call the school office to make an appointment to discuss any support you may need.


Together Leeds (information on where to get help and support )

Zero Waste Leeds - We’re building a movement to help make Leeds a zero waste city by 2030  (school uniform exchange, together for sport, free winter coats)

https://leedsbabybank.org/  (provide equipment and clothing for babies and young children)

BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme | Family Fund (grants for essential items)

We deliver beds and basics to children in poverty. (zarach.org) (provide bed bundles)

Leeds Community Trust » Grants (provide grants for items)

www.leedsandmoortown.org.uk (provide used furniture)

Key social media messages


Advice leaflets on how to support your child

Any questions or to obtain further information can be e-mailed to hrsa@hrsaprimary.co.uk